Movers just arrived...
Ok, moving back home was not easy. We had a few hectic days before the big departure, making sure to make time for everybody. Arriving in Sweden on a cloudy Saturday morning, we picked up a car from Fred's work and drove to Fred's parent's house. Meeting the family felt really good and we've seen almost all the closest ones. This weekend we got our old cat back, our family is almost complete.
Grandparent's cottage
Just had had a country breakfast
The flat looked a bit rough, we decided to put fresh paint on the walls. That work will be completed soon, we hope, but also need to make time to see friends and family as much as possible. Fred and I start working on the 15th of August and school starts for Elle on the 22nd. We will put some photos for you on the blog later.
Elle really misses her friends in SA and DSG. She has many good memories from her life in SA and we can see she is a little bit nervous, but excited about going to a new school. She wears her uniform some days and she says it because it comfortable but we suspect she still want to be a part of her friends' lives still...
So, after a week back in our old life it still feels strange and we are trying to adjust but some things are just hard to get used to:
1) prices... gives me a heart attack every day
2) Swedish people reluctance to greet you, we just don't seem to like the polite phrases if not REALLY needed. We love the "Howzit" you hear everywhere in SA.
What about the weather? Well, the summer is quite what we expected, sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy... but we didn't expect it to be so humid though, coming from the dry winter in Gauteng. It's almost tropical! Skin feels great.
We miss you all so much.
Mom and Elle out on town.
Elle in front of our house
The entrance to the complex
Välkomna hem! Förstår att det känns konstigt att lämna livet i SA. Kram