the time left in SA.

The time has come to move out of the house. We almost filled a 6 feet container with our stuff, two ex-pat families sharing! It's mostly arts and crafts and Elle's toys. It was really sad to see the house emptied. On Tuesday, last week, our stuff was out, on Wednesday and Thursday we had to let in the cleaners and the handymen. After Friday we were completely out of the house.
On Tuesday night we arrived to guest house and had pizza. But no need to worry, we have plenty of friends feeding us and make sure we're not locked in here. Thursday we went to the De Wet's, Friday at the Freel's, Saturday was a frenzy at Böhmer/Sterling Residence and the Mattysen's had us over for coffee/tea on Sunday.
This week is a school holiday, Elle and I have some activities planned but mostly it feels like we're waiting for leaving SA. We've ended all the accounts, phone, electricity, garden service etc. Fred's dad had an inspection of our flat in Stockholm, we rented it out and we're glad to know it's still in good condition. We will move in on the 18th already. "Quick sticks", to quote Elle's swimming teacher.